Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Observations and La Alhambra

So before I talk about the alhambra I want to talk about a few observations I've made throughout the past week and a few things that are different in Spain.

1) Spaniards think Americans say thank you way too much. they think its annoying. So, if you ever come to Spain, don't say thank you for every little thing, like we do in america. They only say thank you when they really appreciate something and it's a bigger deal.

2) Along, with the lack of saying thank you, there is also a lack of smiling. It's not that they aren't happy, it's just that they think it's superficial to smile AS much as Americans do. they can be perfectly content and have a sour look on their faces. (kind of confusing to me). In america, when we make eye contact with strangers, we often smile because we want to be polite, or because we feel uncomfortable. This is not how it is in Granada. They only smile when something is actually making them HAPPY!

3) Body language.... so different. Everyone have a personal space 'bubble' around them. However, in spain that bubble only goes about a foot away form their bodies. When people talk to each other, they get up close and personal. They also gesture and talk with their hands more than the average american. Not quite as much as the Italians, but it's close. (Their facial expressions are different too). And of course, their greetings are different. always dos besos (2 kisses). Not a problem when I'm getting introduced to a cute guy, but a little awkward at times.  The other night my friend Andres invited me and my friend out with his friends, and she kept shaking their hands when she was introduced to them and they thought it was funny (but seemed a little awkward)

4) The decorations of the houses, the school, and other places all seem to be stuck in the 90s. Not nearly as modern as the US. People don't dress like they're in the 90s, but everything else seems like it's a little behind.

(oh and the paper here is not the same as the US. I thought that was kind of a universal thing, but I was wrong. Its taller and skinnier. Just enough so that they don't fit in my folders that I brought for class. Oh well!)

Okay so now the alhambra, it was soo big! We were all split into groups of about 15 and had a tour guide (in spanish, of course). I learned a lot of about this town of palaces and the generalife gardens, but it was so cold on sunday that it was hard to pay attention at times. oops! unfortunately because of the clouds and rain the pictures aren't as nice as they could have been, but here are a few of the 150 that I took!

The pictures don't do it justice! 

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