Monday, April 16, 2012

Why You Should Forgo the American Dream and Let Travel Transform Your Life

Today I came across an article titled "Why You Should Forgo the American Dream and Let Travel Transform Your Life" 

It's about a family of 7 that decided to make a great change in their lives by leaving their little corner of the earth and expanding their horizon.s I thought it had a lot of great points about traveling. Maybe you'll find it interesting as well!

Here's an expert taken from the end of the story:

"But travel had taught us new skills, new thought patterns, new approaches to life in general. It had also become a part of who we were, a positive addiction, and we couldn't imagine our lives without it. Really, it wasn't about the travel. Travel was the tool, the method to the outcome. The real addiction was to the personal transformation that travel extracts from your mind and your soul. It causes you to be uncomfortable, to step out of the familiar and into the unknown. It compels you to see with new eyes and to consider things you had never been aware of. Travel, like a surgeon, opens you up – mind, heart, and soul – and removes preconceptions, biases, and small-mindedness. In its place it leaves a love for the world and all people; it also entrusts you with a larger understanding of our common humanity and the quandaries we share as a planet."

Here's the link:

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